Positive Aging - Healthy Anti-Aging
We've been told aging is natural, so why do so many people dread it? What do you think of when you hear the words 'getting older' or 'old age pensioner'? Is aging, as we perceive it inevitable? It needn't be so. No one has found a magic potion as yet, over the centuries so much energy and research has gone into the pursuit of the 'fountain of youth' but in recent years much light has been shed on the subject. Thanks to all this effort we now know there is so much we can do to slow down the aging process. The lifestyle you choose can have a profound effect on enhancing or accelerating the degenerative process. Off-course aging is inevitable but is so much suffering inevitable? Around 85 per cent of diseases are degenerative illnesses, the other 15 per cent are genetic, infectious or trauma. So what causes our body to fall into rapid decline? It never fails to make me wonder why we look after our cars better than we look after ourselves. Yet we ...