
Showing posts from January, 2018

Positive Aging - Healthy Anti-Aging

We've been told aging is natural, so why do so many people dread it? What do you think of when you hear the words 'getting older' or 'old age pensioner'? Is aging, as we perceive it inevitable? It needn't be so. No one has found a magic potion as yet, over the centuries so much energy and research has gone into the pursuit of the 'fountain of youth' but in recent years much light has been shed on the subject. Thanks to all this effort we now know there is so much we can do to slow down the aging process. The lifestyle you choose can have a profound effect on enhancing or accelerating the degenerative process. Off-course aging is inevitable but is so much suffering inevitable? Around 85 per cent of diseases are degenerative illnesses, the other 15 per cent are genetic, infectious or trauma. So what causes our body to fall into rapid decline? It never fails to make me wonder why we look after our cars better than we look after ourselves. Yet we ...

The Benefits of Dancing

Dancing has countless benefits, both physical and mental. Physically, dancing is excellent for nearly everyone. It is a great cardiovascular workout, which strengthens the heart and improves lung function. A couple months of regular dancing and you'll not only help to extend your life span but you will likely find that you can walk farther distances and don't get tired climbing stairs any more. Improved cardiovascular function also helps to lower cholesterol and helps to lower blood pressure. The best part of improving your cardiovascular function is that it will help you to slow the aging process. Who wouldn't want that? Dancing also helps to strengthen your muscles which is beneficial for a couple of reasons. Strong muscles make you less prone to injury, and for women it can help avoid developing osteoporosis. Improved flexibility and balance is another benefit of regular dancing. Improving flexibility is another way to avoid injury to joints. Improved ...

Top 10 New Years Resolutions

As the new year approaches, it is time to look back over the past year and decide what you want to change about your life in the new year. For many people, New Years resolutions are an opportunity to make a fresh start. For others, it is the chance to learn new habits and live a healthier and happy life. No matter what your approach is to New Years resolutions, here are the top 10 New Years resolutions that many people start with at the beginning of the year. 1 - Quit Smoking Smoking is one of the number one health problems worldwide. Smoking can lead to a multitude of health problems, including lung cancer, emphysema, high blood pressure, esophageal cancer and many others. Quitting smoking as a New Years resolution is difficult and addiction to nicotine is extremely hard to fight. But with enough dedication and assistance, you can stop smoking. There are several methods that have proven to be effective in stopping smoking. One of the most effective tools to stop smoking is one-on...

Healthy Eating: 4 Key Benefits of Good Nutrition

Good nutrition is essential for your overall health. If you want to have a long life and stay healthy, then you need to eat the right foods. A balanced diet will increase your body's ability to recover, boost your energy and strength, and help you stay in shape.  When you are eating nutritious foods, you are giving your body the building blocks it needs. Good nutrition means different things to different people. However, most individuals agree that a healthy diet is one that includes fruits and vegetables, as well as lean meat, fish, grains, and good fats. Here are four key benefits of good nutrition: Increases Your Energy Levels If you are always feeling tired, then you might need to change your diet. Instead of relying on caffeine or sweets for a burst of artificial energy, eat healthy foods that boost your energy levels and help your body fight fatigue. When your body doesn't get quality food, it become weak and can not function properly. Optimal energy metabolism re...

Benefits of Pilates - Discover the Real Benefits

        1   Pilates has been around for many years and many know it is a great routine for posture and fitness. It is also well known as a program to give you a flat stomach. Pilates exercises target the deep core abdominal muscles specifically to achieve spinal core stability and a better aligned posture.  There are many more benefits of Pilates, though. I have discovered the real benefits only come from actually learning how to use Pilates in your daily life. This knowledge gives a person maximum benefit to their health and well being. Pain control is one of them. Pain management for the lower back cannot be achieved unless and person uses Pilates every day all day.  This is different to attending a class and following a leader. The absolute true benefits of Pilates will only be achieved by learning Pure Pilates and how to function with deep core strength in every movement. Learning Pilates is different to attending a series of classe...

The Benefits of Exercise

1                 Everybody knows they should exercise regularly for good health and well-being. This article outlines some of the physical benefits of exercise as well as how it can benefit us psychologically. Hints and tips are given to help you get started and make exercise a part of your everyday life. The physical benefits Carried out regularly, exercise can reduce blood pressure and help protect against a heart attack. By engaging in muscular strength training you can protect yourself against injury. Aerobic exercise will assist your heart and lungs in working more efficiently. Furthermore, by exercising, bones are kept strong and this can slow the development of osteoporosis. Exercise can also help alleviate headaches. A further benefit of course is that exercise can help maintain a healthy weight. The psychological benefits Reduces stress Exercise not only helps reduce stress, but it can also help you deal with stress long-...